About us

Strength in Unity

For far too long the native British population has been divided and weak. Many have taken advantage of this weakness because they know that unity—not diversity—is our real source of strength.

We are treated as second-class citizens in our own homeland, ignored by the political elite who promote globalist agendas over patriotic ones, and made to feel shame for our identity, heritage and history.

Trust in the political system is at an all-time low. Millions of our fellow countrymen have disengaged from the process, politically homeless, and without the hope that they can have a say in the future direction of our country.

If we want real change in this country we have to make a stand for it, just like our ancestors did every time Britain faced a threat—foreign or domestic—to their way of life.

Power To The People!

The lion has been asleep, but now is the time for us to awaken and reclaim our country.

Working together as one people with one voice we can:

  • elect patriotic MPs into Parliament
  • take our country back from the political elite
  • create strong local communities across the nation
  • influence the outcome of local and general elections
  • sign petitions to demand referendums on important issues
  • make our discontent felt physically with rallies and assemblies
  • vote with our wallet against businesses undermining British values

We the people must take back control of our democracy from those who continually abuse the power we entrust them with.

With numbers on our side across the United Kingdom, we will use that grassroots support to deliver change and set this country on course for a better future.

Leveraging People Power
Registered Voters
Days until General Election

Let’s Make Democracy Work For Us

For more than 220 years our democracy has been dominated by three major parties: Conservative, Labour and the Liberal Democrats.

Our First-Past-The-Post system makes it incredibly difficult for smaller parties and independents to get a foot in the door. The winner takes all and millions of votes cast by the general public are effectively discarded.

In 2015, UKIP achieved 3.8M votes but only won 1 seat. The Liberal Democrats got 2.4M votes but took 8 seats, and the SNP won 56 seats with only 1.4M votes.

Candidates advanced by Patriots United will never be from the main parties, giving smaller patriotic parties and independents who will stand up for the interests of the nation a fighting chance.

We will aim to move away from the unfair FPTP system towards decentralised approaches such as proportional representation and elements of direct democracy.

What Have We Got To Lose?

The time for being passive observers at the rapid decline of our nation must come to an end.

If we don’t act now, imagine what Britain will be like for our children’s children 50 or 100 years from now if we allow this sad state of affairs to go unchecked.

We cannot continue on this same destructive trajectory. We owe a debt to future generations to push back against this with everything at our disposal.

It is nothing short of our expected and appropriate civic duty.

  • There aren’t enough homes or school places for native Brits

  • Our borders are unprotected from illegal immigrants

  • The NHS and local health services are under pressure

  • Towns and cities are filled with the worst types of crime

  • We are becoming a minority in our major cities

  • The multi-billion pound welfare system is abused
  • Fiscal irresponsibility has destroyed our prosperity
  • The justice system we rely on is biased and broken

  • Standards have fallen in every sector across the UK

  • Dangerous ideologies are allowed to flourish unchecked

It’s Time To Take A Stand For Your Country

Our homeland, our people and our very way of life are under attack on multiple fronts.

British patriots across the country now have a duty to come together and defend our island nation from those who are attempting to bring her to her knees.

This colossal endeavour has fallen to our generation. No longer can we stand by as our beloved country spirals further into decay.

It’s time to put the British people first and revive the former glory of the United Kingdom.